Discover your racing potential

Race Time Predictor

My fastest race in the last 12 months:

If you have never ran a race, take the VO2Max interview to estimate your VO2Max.


VO2 Max Interview

The information collected is used to calculate your VO2Max only. It is not stored.

ft in  

  Not at all typical   Some what typical   Very typical
I have a relaxing routine before bed
I go to sleep about the same time each night
I have no trouble getting to sleep
If I wake up in the middle of the night, I have no trouble falling back asleep
I wake up naturally, without needing an alarm clock
When I wake up I feel refreshed and ready for the day
I get the amount of sleep I need
  Not at all typical   Some what typical   Very typical
I rarely get headaches, feel anxious, or get angry
I have a lot of energy
I can concentrate on tasks at hand
I laugh easily and often
I practice relaxation techniques
My coworkers, family and friends usually think I am in a good mood
  Not at all typical   Some what typical   Very typical
I eat a balanced diet carbohydrates, proteins and fats consisting of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, nutritious grains, dairy (or some other source of calcium) and meat (or some other source of protein)
I eat fresh or frozen foods rather than canned or processed foods
I pay attention to the nutritional information on labels
I try to eat organic or chemical-free foods
I minimize how much fast and junk food I eat
I rarely or moderately drink alcoholic and caffeine-based beverages

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Our Race Time Predictor estimates your performances of various race distances based on the calculated VO2Max. It is important, however, to understand that they are only estimates. It is impossible to estimate your best marathon time from your current mile time. There are many factors that come in to play, such as leg strength or muscle fiber types, to predict any accurate times on both ends of the spectrum. Accuracy is usually about 3-race-distances range (i.e., 1500m-5k-10k or 5k-10k-half marathon, etc.).

However it is a good tool to gauge your strengths and weaknesses. If your actual marathon time is way off the estimated time, it’ll tell you that your endurance is in question. Or if your 5k time is much slower than estimated 5k time from your half or full marathon performance, you’ll know you’ll need to work on your leg-speed.