
Instruction Important points RPE Adaptation Skill Biggest Mistakes

Strides: 6-10 100m with jog-walk recovery interval

  1. Warm-up for 15 minutes
  2. Stride-out 10 times over approximately 100m. Run fast but without tension. Let your body decelerate naturally instead of stopping quickly. The key is relaxed fast – such as starting a 5k race.
  3. Jog back to the start – take about 2-3 minutes of recovery jog so you have completely recovered your breathing.
  4. Cool-down 10–15 minutes

Variation: Run continuous laps of 300 jog/100 stride.

Strides can be done anywhere - track, road, park, trail, sports field... Find a flat area where you don’t have to worry about twisting your ankles.

Estimating distance

  • Approximation is fine.
  • Many street lampposts are about 100 yards apart and soccer fields are about 100 yards long. A walking stride is about 3/4 meter so you can approximate 100 meters by walking 120-140 steps.
  • Or, use a count-system: Count “ONE” every time your right foot hits the ground; if you are running near 6-minute-mile pace, your stride is approximately 1.5m, so 3m for ONE count, 30 counts would make approximately 90-100m. If you are running near 9-minute-mile pace, your stride is approximately 1m, so ONE count is about 2m, 25 counts would make 50m.
  • Always run strides with the wind at your back.


  • Anaerobic high energy phosphate metabolism
  • Speed
  • Strengthen your leg muscles, tendons and ligaments
  • Relaxation while running fast
  • Forcing speed by tensing muscles and reinforcing poor form
  • Not allowing adequate recovery by running too fast in-between and forcing the body into anaerobic glycolysis